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deepak kumawatdeepak kumawat 

Dynamically Populate Label Parameters with format()

Hi Team,
Can anyone explain, how to use "Dynamically Populate Label Parameters with format()" with an example ?
Thanks !!
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Deepak,

Output and update labels using the format() expression function.
You can provide a string with placeholders, which are replaced by the substitution values at runtime.

Add as many parameters as you need. The parameters are numbered and are zero-based. For example, if you have three parameters, they will be named {0}, {1}, and {2}, and they will be substituted in the order they're specified.

Let's look at a custom label, $Label.mySection.myLabel, with a value of Hello {0} and {1}, where $Label is the global value provider that accesses your labels.

This expression dynamically populates the placeholder parameters with the values of the supplied attributes.
{!format($Label.mySection.myLabel, v.attribute1, v.attribute2)}
The label is automatically refreshed if one of the attributes value changes.
Always use the $Label global value provider to reference a label with placeholder parameters. You can't set a string with placeholder parameters as the first argument for format(). For example, this syntax doesn't work:

{!format('Hello {0}',}
Use this expression instead.

where $Label.mySection.salutation is set to Hello {0}.
For more information please check with below link. Hope this helps.

Please mark this as solved if it's resolved.

deepak kumawatdeepak kumawat
@Nagendra, i got my answer. 
Thanks !!