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Michael Collins 39Michael Collins 39 

Customize Compact Layouts - Create and enable a compact layout - Error

For the Create and enable compact layout challenge, I'm receiving the following error message:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find a compact layout for the Event object with the label 'Showing Mobile Layout'.

Here's the Showing Mobile Layout compact layout that I created:

User-added image

What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
Rahul KumarRahul Kumar (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Michael,

Please check below post for the same issue
1) (http://

To pass this challenge, add a new section 'Phone Numbers' to the default 'Contact Layout'. Add the Phone, Mobile, Home Phone, Other Phone, and Fax fields to this new section.
-->The 'Contact layout' Page Layout should have a new section named 'Phone Numbers'.
-->The 'Phone Numbers' section should include the 'Phone', 'Mobile', 'Home Phone', 'Other Phone', and 'Fax' fields.

Please follow below step:-
Step 1 :- Search Contact page layout
Step 2:- Modify page layout and add section like below

User-added image
Hope it will be helpful.

Please mark it as best answer if the information is that question is removed from an unanswered question and appear as a proper solution.

Rahul Kumar
Michael Collins 39Michael Collins 39
Okay, I did as you recommended, and I'm still getting the same error message. Here is my updated Contact Page Layout with the phone numbers section:
User-added image

Also, I didn't understand the logic behind your recommended fix. The error message is telling me that it can't find the Event object "Showing Mobile Layout". Why would changing the Contact Page layout change that?
Michael Collins 39Michael Collins 39
Please note that this problem is still outstanding. I'm still getting the same error message as above. As a result, I have not been able to complete the Challenge.

Any additional thoughts on the resolution?
Kaylee DavisKaylee Davis
I was having a hard time as well and this is what I was missing. Hopefully it helps you.

Make sure that you have selected the "Compact Layout" Section (by clicking it) (1). Then select the Compact Layout (2), then hit save(3). 
User-added image

Let us know if that helps you.

Albert van GinkAlbert van Gink
I had this problem too and the only thing i can image that i did it the wrong way (2), (1) and then (3)... But in the following order 1,2,3 it worked out for me so i'm glad, thank you :-)
Paul Chilton 13Paul Chilton 13
I had the same problem, thank you Kaylee and Albert.
Pablo CabornoPablo Caborno
OMG, that really worked :O. Thank you guys!