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Calen WilkCalen Wilk 

Hello. Is it possible to convert a drop down field on the contact page to a text field?


Is it possible to convert a drop down field on the contact page to a text field? 

Best Answer chosen by Calen Wilk
Esther OnemaEsther Onema
I am assuming you are reffering to changing a field of data type picklist  to a field with a data type of text?
If so then all you must do is navigatate to the object
User-added image
Exploration tab > View fields 
User-added image
Find the field you wwant to modify > press edit 
User-added image
Select Change field type and save your changes
User-added image

Remember this can only be done with custom fields. If this question helped you, please mark it as best answer so that others can find this solution.
Have a great day!
Esther Onema

All Answers

Esther OnemaEsther Onema
I am assuming you are reffering to changing a field of data type picklist  to a field with a data type of text?
If so then all you must do is navigatate to the object
User-added image
Exploration tab > View fields 
User-added image
Find the field you wwant to modify > press edit 
User-added image
Select Change field type and save your changes
User-added image

Remember this can only be done with custom fields. If this question helped you, please mark it as best answer so that others can find this solution.
Have a great day!
Esther Onema
This was selected as the best answer
Calen WilkCalen Wilk
Yes, that is exactly what I was asking. Thank you! Another question – if I change the field type from picklist to text will I lose that data or will the values in the picklist populate in the text field?
Esther OnemaEsther Onema
Unfortunately salesforce does not yet provide that feature so you would lose the existing data and have to repopulate the value manually.
I hope I was of great help, if so please mark my provided solution as best answer/solved to help other admins with similar inquiries.
Have a great day!
Esther Onema