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Package creation and installation problem


I am creating a package with test method and install that package on another account then it will give "Cannot call test methods in non-test context".
How can I resolve it? Without test method I am not able to create package.

Do you see this error on installation or when you have installed and are using the package? That error typically means that you've tried to use a test method as a regular method, which isn't allowed. 
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This method come when I installed and are using the package. And I created that method only to create package the method body is blank.
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This error come when I installed and are using the package. And I created that method only to create package the method body is blank.
bilal malikbilal malik
i think, u are calling test method from your visual force page thats y u r facing error!!
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Here is my apex class

global class UserRetrieval{
    static String getUserExtension() {
       List<User> users = new List<User>();
       String uid = UserInfo.getUserId();
       for (User user : Database.query('Select id, extension, username, name from User where id=\'' + uid + '\'')){
       String JSONString = JSON.serialize(users);
       return JSONString;
    static String getCallerDetail(String extension){
        String JSONString='';
         List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
        for (Contact contact : Database.query('Select id, name, phone, email, MobilePhone from contact where phone=\'' + extension + '\' or MobilePhone=\'' + extension + '\'')){
            JSONString = JSON.serialize(contacts);    
           return JSONString;
    static testMethod void testDemo(){}

I put testDemo() only to create package. Because without test method I am not able to create package. I am not using testDemo() anywhere in my apex code.
bilal malikbilal malik
ANd where is ur apex class for which u r writing your test cases(i mean this test class which u mentioned above)?
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bilal malikbilal malik
Apex class and Test APex class will be 2 different classes.