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Jimy ShahJimy Shah 

Follow knowledge article on user community

I understand that the community only allow "follow" feature for topics or people. I am looking to have "follow" feature for knowledge articles published on user community for users to follow and receive updates when certain fields change. Basically, I am considering using articles to build "known issues"  type interface.

Has anyone built the "follow" feature for articles in community? Looking for pointers on what might be my options if I am willing to spend some custom development effort to get this feature.

-Jimy Shah
Kuljit Jagpal 7Kuljit Jagpal 7
Hi Jimy, checking if you were able to determine a solution.  I am currently running into the same situation with published articles and thought the FOLLOW feature in the community would work for articles published under a topic and it does not.  
I'd like to hear of how you went about this.  Thanks.
Hariprasad DevanathHariprasad Devanath
This is still an open issue for us - I created a separate idea since the pld one does not address an email solution request.
Ali AlvarezAli Alvarez

I recently confirmed that this is still unsolved by Salesforce. Their response:

"We received an update from R&D team that this functionality is working as designed. When Community user follows the article they will not receive an email notification if the article gets updated or publish with new version."

I see several ideas that should be merged on this functionality:


Additionally, there is a closed idea t( ) that states that this functionality was provided in Summer'17. I've requested Salesforce to amend that statement given their latest reply. 

Is someone knows how to do this, it would be great if you can share. 


Brian DuvallBrian Duvall
We ended up creating an app for this on the AppExchange which allows community users to follow knowledge articles which would then notify them of any changes:  In addition, it also allows them to favorite content on the community for quick reference in the future.