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Evan WilleyEvan Willey 

SSL Callouts: Untrusted Intermediate CA. Any way around this other than a proxy?

I am getting this error when sending an HTTP request to a webservice I have to use: 
Unable to forward request due to: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
SSL Labs agrees that there is something wrong with the certificate:

After doing a lot of googling and testing, so far as I can tell, Salesforce will not allow callouts to servers where the certificate is not authenticated at every level by a root CA.
Since I do not have access to the salesforce servers, I cannot add them to the trusted list; and since I do not have access to the webservice servers, I can't merge and load my own certs
All other salesforce and forum discussions regarding this exception have been of no help.

Since salesforce support is useless and you can't log a development case with them, anyone on here know if there is anyway to get around this without using a proxy or custom webapp of some sort?