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Rajendra RathoreRajendra Rathore 

Open Mapping App From Salesforce1 (VF Page)

Hi All,

I have requirement :
  • Add a "Directions" button on the restaurant mobile page,"Directions" button should pass the restaurant's location to the device's selected mapping app.
    Once this button is tapped, the user should be prompted to select their mapping app

So Using VF page(Salesforce1) how can i open Mapping app  like Waze, Google Maps, and Apple Maps (iOS only) etc ?

Best Answer chosen by Rajendra Rathore
Rajendra RathoreRajendra Rathore
I got it answer my self.

Android :
<a href="geo:0,0?daddr=delhi">Apple/Google Map</a>

<a href="">Apple/Google Map</a> 
<a href="waze://?q=delhi&navigate=yes" >Waze map</a>