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Steven Vawdrey 13Steven Vawdrey 13 

New profile not displaying in picklist

I cloned the Partner Community Login User profile and named it Partner Community User. I then attempted to create a new user record and assign it to the new Profile but it doesn't display in the Profile picklist. How do I get it to display in the Profile picklist on the User record?
Best Answer chosen by Steven Vawdrey 13
Steven Vawdrey 13Steven Vawdrey 13
I've learned that Partner licenses are a subscription that we need to arrange through Salesforce. 

All Answers

Have you chosen the correct Licence Type before going to Profile list?
Steven Vawdrey 13Steven Vawdrey 13
Yes. All other profiles display but neither of the Partner Community profiles display as picklist values.
Steven Vawdrey 13Steven Vawdrey 13
I've learned that Partner licenses are a subscription that we need to arrange through Salesforce. 
This was selected as the best answer
Kingfish56 (TVH)Kingfish56 (TVH)
HI Steven.  I 'm havng the same issue.  I cloned the Sys Admin profile and to create a Developers profile.  I removed access rights to certain objects, but left the rights to others.  Did you ever get an answer or resolution to your original question?