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How to parse a text string such as Tuesday, February 20th 12:30 PM to 2/20/2017 12:30 PM

Is there a built in function that can help me with this?
Balayesu ChilakalapudiBalayesu Chilakalapudi
You have to convert it from string to date using valueOfGMT(datetimestring) of DateTime class.
Try like this,
Map<String,Integer> monthsmap=new Map<String, Integer>{'January' => 1, 'February' => 2, 'March' => 3, 'April'=>4, 'May'=>5, 'June'=>6, 'July'=>7, 'August'=>8, 'September'=>9, 'October'=>10, 'November'=>11, 'December'=>12};

String txt='Tuesday, February 20th 12:30 PM';
String year=System.Today().year();
String month='';
String day='';
string hour = ''; 
string minute = ''; 
string second = '1';

String[] parse=txt.split(' ');
for(String s:parse){
   for(String mm:monthsmap.keyset()){
      String[] tm=s.split(':');
string stringDate = year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hour + ':' + minute + ':' + second;
Datetime myDate = Datetime.valueOfGMT(stringDate);

Let us know if it helps.

This is throwing an error, line 4.  the error is Illegal assignment from Integer to String. The year must be a Integer but that will conflict with setting it to stringDate