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Vincent BartolomaVincent Bartoloma 

How to create daily portions of Leads from a long master list ?

I have a giant spreadsheet which is a list of 1,000+ potential clients. I would like to produce 10 new Leads from this per day to be used by our sales team. Is there a way to do this automatically ? All I can think of is to peel off 10 per day and import them. 

Could Informatica be beneficial with this ? I know I could set up tasks to run an upsert daily, but I don't know how I would peel off only 10 every day. 

Thank you.
Tarun J.Tarun J.
Hello Vincent,

One option: You can Insert all records at once and write a batch job to pull 10 records daily and assign to Sales Team.


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Vincent BartolomaVincent Bartoloma

I was thinking that as well. But I'm trying to think of how to approach that. I can think of using Process Builder to launch a scheduled flow to create a new Lead - but I can't figure out how to only create 10 a day. 
Tarun J.Tarun J.
With batch job you cannot automate creation of 10 records per day from local spreadsheet. Either you can automate your Data loader with window scheduler to pick records from specified location and insert records daily or as suggested previously, insert all records from spreadsheet at once and control the visibility and assignment of those records for your sales team using code. Make 10 records per day visible to Sales Team.