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Ryan Adams 173Ryan Adams 173 

Developer Intermediate - Salesforce Connect - Integrate External Data

I am experiencing an error when attempting to complete this challenge:

Use Salesforce Connect to link an External Object with Salesforce Users

on this page in the Trailhead training:

Here is the error message I am receiving:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
 The User standard object does not have a custom field with the API name 'Phone_UUID__c'

In researching this, I came up with a possible solution posted by Dutta Sourav as follows:

Go to Setup > Manage Users > Users.

Click “Edit” for just one of your users.

Put “0000123442” in the Phone UUID field under the Additional Information heading.

Click Save.

Unfortuantely, search as I may, I cannot find this "Additional Information" heading on the UUID field.

Can anyone help me?
Ashish KeshariAshish Keshari
Hi Ryan,
On the user detail edit page, the Additional Information should be under Single Sign on Information.
User-added image
Ryan Adams 173Ryan Adams 173
Forgive me Ashish, but the only categories I can find on the User object are: Permission Set Assignments[3] | Permission Set Assignments: Activation Required[0] | Permission Set License Assignments[0] | Personal Groups[0] | Public Group Membership[0] | Queue Membership[0] | Team[0] | Managers in the Role Hierarchy[0] | OAuth Connected Apps[12] | Third-Party Account Links[0] | Installed Mobile Apps[0] | Authentication Settings for External Systems[0] | Login History[10+] | User Provisioning Accounts[0] I do not see Single Sign on Information. Could you possibly give me detailed instructions screen by screen? Thanks for your help. Ryan
Ashish KeshariAshish Keshari
Sure Ryan,
The Phone UUID is under the "User Detail" section in detail view. But when you click Edit on the record - then it edit mode you will see "Additional Information" after Single SignOn and before Locale Settings.

User-added image
Ryan Adams 173Ryan Adams 173
Thanks Ashish. I now have 0000123442 entered in the Phone UUID field. I have rerun the Challenge and now I have a new error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.ExternalObjectException: This data is no longer available. The "UUID" table in the external system is currently unavailable. Try again later or contact your administrator for help. I believe what I did wrong originally was to use the Custom User object instead of the Standard User object in doing the following step of the Challenge: - Add a new 'Phone UUID' custom field on the *User standard object *with the resulting API name of 'Phone_UUID__c'. The field should be of type 'Text' and marked as 'Unique' and 'External ID'. - Change the 'UUID' field on the 'Phone__x' external object to be an indirect lookup relationship to the* 'User' standard object.* Use the 'Phone_UUID__c' field as the matching key for this indirect lookup relationship. Is there a way to change the indirect lookup relationship from pointing at the Custom User object and instead over to the Standard User object? Or do I need to delete the entire process and start over again from scratch? I appreciate the kindness of your help. Ryan