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Anindya ChattopadhyayAnindya Chattopadhyay 

Deploying to Developer Sadbox

Hi there:

I have got a developer sandbox and my IDE is connected to that. Any change to Apex class that I do using the IDE, gets saved in developer sandbox without any problem.

However When I try to 'Deploy to Server', I get the following error:

error in deploy

I am pretty sure the credential is all good as I can save my changes. Is it because we can only deploy to Full/Partial sandbox?

Any help will be much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,

Best Answer chosen by Anindya Chattopadhyay
Anindya ChattopadhyayAnindya Chattopadhyay
Hi guys:

Thanks for all your replies. But what I found out is I was not supplying the Security Toke and was supplying only Username and Password. While that's good enough for IDE, Deployment needs Security Token.


All Answers

Hi Anindya,

Can you go to your user record details in SFDC UI and check the 'Login History' section to debug more on this ?
If this error present over there means its wrong password.

As you we know,Password should be of format - PasswordSecurityToken.


Anurag SaxenaAnurag Saxena
Uncheck 'Show only the latest versions of available software' and install version 30 of the plugin. is mentioned in the help documentation but I would much rather use the standard installation source.
You may need to uninstall version 31 by going to Help > About > Installation Details.
Once your org has been updated to version 31 you can uninstall update your plugin to version 31.
Anindya ChattopadhyayAnindya Chattopadhyay
Hi guys:

Thanks for all your replies. But what I found out is I was not supplying the Security Toke and was supplying only Username and Password. While that's good enough for IDE, Deployment needs Security Token.

This was selected as the best answer