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Jaimin Patel 5Jaimin Patel 5 

True Admin looking for help with visualforce / apex trigger maybe. I am not sure which I need, but I will explain our case.

We have a custom object called ''Budget'' in this object we need to be able to assoicate the pricebook / products exactly like we are able to use it with opportunities. I want to be able to add a new pricebook and add products to it and then my end users can come in on the budget object and select the appropriate pricebook and add products exact manner as opportunity. Any suggestions on where to start? 
Tarun J.Tarun J.
Hello Jaimin,

You can create a junction like object between Budget and Products. It will behave like OpportunityLineItem which stores relationship between budget and product. Of course, you need build some custom logic depending on your requirment. It may be a Apex class or Visualforce page depending on how much flexibility you are providing to end user in selecting Products and Price book.


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