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Raphael Mazouz 6Raphael Mazouz 6 

Using package : {faultcode:'soapenv:Client', faultstring:'No operation available for request

I exported my package in an another org , and when I click on my javascript button (on detail page Contact, using the classic version) I am receiving this error:

> {faultcode:'soapenv:Client', faultstring:'No operation available for request {}decryptData, please check the WSDL for the service.', }

In my org the button is working , all its okay , but I think that it is not working in the second org due to the use of the package (when I exported my code into the second org).

My javascript button is calling apex class with the function 

> sforce.apex.execute

And yes my class is global and my function is a web service.

Do you have an idea of what could be this error ?

Thank You.

Best Answer chosen by Raphael Mazouz 6
Raphael Mazouz 6Raphael Mazouz 6
I fixed it , the probleme was the namespace.

Like you can see in this URL:

There is an empty string betwen package and FromOutside , so the string which is missing is the namespace of the org so you have to create a namespace in order to use soap action from javascript button

All Answers

Prosenjit Sarkar 7Prosenjit Sarkar 7
Hi raphael, 

Please check the profile has the permission to the global class. If not, give it to the profile. If yes, please check 


script has been added to you javascript code or not.

Raphael Mazouz 6Raphael Mazouz 6
I fixed it , the probleme was the namespace.

Like you can see in this URL:

There is an empty string betwen package and FromOutside , so the string which is missing is the namespace of the org so you have to create a namespace in order to use soap action from javascript button
This was selected as the best answer