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In the Storage Usage, there is Content Body under Current File Storage Usage. What is Content Storage, how do I access it and how can I delete its data ?

prabira rathaprabira ratha
The ContentBody cannot be queried, inserted, updated, or deleted directly. If you need to access the file content body, please use ContentVersion. 
But though API u cannot delete the files. Query [SELECT Id,Title FROM ContentVersion ] to ContentVersion object in Dev Console to get the Id of the dcoument and copy the Id in the salesforce url or else you can navigate to Content tab in Salesforce to view all the content. You can delete the content which ever is not necessary . Hope this will help...
In the storage section, Click the storage by user and check for the contentbody storage of each user, You can also click the contentbody for a particular user and see all the files with their size and can delete