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Attempt to de-reference a null object for soql query

I have a favourite button which fetches the items which has been ordered more than twice.
This is my controller

    Public List<Menu__c> favmenu {get;set;}
     favmenu = [select id, name,Category__c,Description__c,Image__c,ImageURL__c,Dish_Name__c,Price__c,
                 Special_Dish__c,Status__c,SubCategory__c,veg_non_veg__c,remarks__c from Menu__c where id IN : menuIdList]; 
               nofavourites = 'Choose from your favourites';
                nofavourites='No favourites yet';

When i m testing for favmenu.size()>0 ..... it is working fine....but for the else part, when the soql query is not fetching any item, it is showing the error
Attempt to de-reference a null object 
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.
Best Answer chosen by PC

Try initializing the list before the Soql query. Like this:
Public List<Menu__c> favmenu {get;set;}
favmenu  = new List<Menu__c>(); //Add this line
     favmenu = [select id, name,Category__c,Description__c,Image__c,ImageURL__c,Dish_Name__c,Price__c,
                 Special_Dish__c,Status__c,SubCategory__c,veg_non_veg__c,remarks__c from Menu__c where id IN : menuIdList];


All Answers

Nayana KNayana K
Can you please post the next part of code? I don't think these lines can cause issues.
This is the full controller code
I am just trying to print the novafourites string.
public with sharing class ctr_foodmenucontroller {
    Public List<Menu__c> menu { get; set;}
    Public List<Toppings__c> toppings { get; set;}
    Public String mob { get; set;}
    Public Contact c { get; set;}
    Public String Lang { get; set;}
    Public String cid { get; set;}
    Public String cmessage { get; set;}
    Public String nofavourites { get; set;}
    Public String tout { get; set;}
    Public String tablen{get;set;}
    Public String custname { get; set;}
    Public String d { get; set;}
    public DateTime dd{get;set;}
    Public Room__c room {get;set;}
    Public id existingorderid { get; set;}    
    Public String Closelaterorderid{get; set;}
    Public Boolean closelater{get; set;}
    Public List<Order__c> order { get; set;}
    Public List<OLI__c> repeatorder { get; set;}
    Public List<AggregateResult> favourites { get; set;}
    public String selectedroomId { get; set; }
    Public Toppings__c t { get; set;}
    Public List<Menu__c> favmenu {get;set;}
    public String dynamiclist{get; set;}
    Public ctr_foodmenucontroller(){
       existingorderid = null;
       room = new Room__c();
       tout = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('tout');
       tablen = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('tablen'); 

      //tout =false;
      //tablen ='';
      lang = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('lang');
      mob = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('mob');
      cid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cid');
       String taway= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('tout');
       String tnumber = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('tablen');
      cmessage = Label.Order_Submissions;
      if(cid!=null & cid!=''){
        c = [select id,name,Last_Login_Reff_Id__c,Mobilephone from contact where id=:cid limit 1];
       // order = [select id, Name,status__c from Order__c where and Session_id__c=:c.Last_Login_Reff_Id__c limit 1];
        order = [select id, Name,status__c from Order__c where and Tables__c=:tablen and Status__c='In Progress'  limit 1];
        repeatorder = [SELECT Id, Name, Menu__c,Order__c FROM OLI__c where Order__c in(SELECT id FROM Order__c where];
           favourites = [select menuid from OLI__c  where Order__c in(SELECT id FROM Order__c where and Status__c='Completed') group By,Menu__r.Dish_Name__c, having count(id)>1 ];
          List<String> menuIdList = new List<String>();
         for(AggregateResult ar : favourites){

            if(menuIdList!=null && !menuIdList.isEmpty())    
                favmenu = [select id, name,Category__c,Description__c,Image__c,ImageURL__c,Dish_Name__c,Price__c,
                 Special_Dish__c,Status__c,SubCategory__c,veg_non_veg__c,remarks__c from Menu__c where id IN : menuIdList]; 
               nofavourites = 'Choose from your favourites';
                nofavourites='No favourites yet';
           custname =;
                existingorderid = order[0].id;
                existingorderid = null;
            pagereference ref = new pagereference('/apex/dm_firstpage');
        menu = [SELECT Category__c,CreatedById, CreatedDate,Total_Price__c, IsDeleted, Description__c, Image__c, ImageURL__c,Chef_recommended__c, LastActivityDate, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, Name, Dish_Name__c, OwnerId,Price__c, Id, Remarks__c, Special_Dish__c,Spicy__c, Status__c,Kids_Menu__c, SubCategory__c, SystemModstamp, veg_non_veg__c,Information__c, (SELECT Menu__c,Price__c,Topping__c,Name FROM Toppings__r) FROM Menu__c];
     public List<SelectOption> getListOfRooms()
           List<Room__c> RoomList = [select id,Name from Room__c] ;
           List<SelectOption> RoomOptionList = new List<SelectOption>();
           RoomOptionList .add(new SelectOption( ' ' ,'---Select---'));
           for(Room__c r : RoomList )
                      RoomOptionList .add(new SelectOption( , r.Name));
          return RoomOptionList ;
  /* public List<SelectOption> getdynamiclist() {
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        options.add(new SelectOption('1','1'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('2','2'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('3','3'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('4','4'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('5','5'));
        return options;
    String s = '1';
    public String getString() {
        return s;
    public void setString(String s) {
        this.s = s;
     public PageReference sort(){
                menu = [SELECT Category__c,CreatedById,Total_Price__c,Chef_recommended__c, CreatedDate, IsDeleted, Description__c, Image__c, ImageURL__c, LastActivityDate, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, Name, Dish_Name__c, OwnerId,Price__c, Id, Remarks__c,Kids_Menu__c, Special_Dish__c,Spicy__c, Status__c, SubCategory__c, SystemModstamp, veg_non_veg__c,Information__c, (SELECT Menu__c,Price__c,Topping__c,Name FROM Toppings__r) FROM Menu__c  ORDER BY Price__c ASC];
                return null;
    public PageReference redirect(){
         pagereference ref = new pagereference('/apex/dm_firstpage');
         return null;


Try initializing the list before the Soql query. Like this:
Public List<Menu__c> favmenu {get;set;}
favmenu  = new List<Menu__c>(); //Add this line
     favmenu = [select id, name,Category__c,Description__c,Image__c,ImageURL__c,Dish_Name__c,Price__c,
                 Special_Dish__c,Status__c,SubCategory__c,veg_non_veg__c,remarks__c from Menu__c where id IN : menuIdList];

This was selected as the best answer
Nayana KNayana K
So, here is the issue:
if(menuIdList!=null && !menuIdList.isEmpty())    
                favmenu = [select id, name,Category__c,Description__c,Image__c,ImageURL__c,Dish_Name__c,Price__c,
                 Special_Dish__c,Status__c,SubCategory__c,veg_non_veg__c,remarks__c from Menu__c where id IN : menuIdList];

If this if condition doesn't satisfy, then favmenu will not be queried. Which means this will remain null.
In next when you try to check if(favmenu.size()>0) => it will be evaluating as if(null.size() > 0) which will give you attempt to deference null.

Just above the if, initialize the favmenu to new List() :
favmenu = new List<Menu__c>();

if(menuIdList!=null && !menuIdList.isEmpty()) favmenu = [select id, name,Category__c,Description__c,Image__c,ImageURL__c,Dish_Name__c,Price__c, Special_Dish__c,Status__c,SubCategory__c,veg_non_veg__c,remarks__c from Menu__c where id IN : menuIdList];

Change the following line of code (line 66).
if(favmenu!=null && favmenu.size()>0)
This will solve this issue.