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Kristina WilliamsonKristina Williamson 

Superbadge Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Challenge #1

Hello Trailblazers,
How do you get past the first challenge if the Trailead Playground only allows for 2 active users and it asks you to create 2 users with certain profiles?  How can anyone possibly get past the first challenge based on this?  I also couldnt get past the first challenge because the Optimizer wasn't working and wouldn't run.  Maybe it was down for maintenance when I tried this part?  I fudged it here by copying another Optimizer file I had from another org into the Files just to get past this bit in the challenge.  
You have to create two users with user licenses as Salesforce and Salesforce Platform. If it is fresh org, you will have one salesforce license available otherwise rename the one user or deactive the user and create one. You will have availbility of Salesforce Platform user licenses.