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com.sforce.async.CSVReader$CSVParseException: Found unescaped quote. A value with quote should be within a quote

NOTE: There are _NO QUOTES_ of any kind in my CSV file (UTF-8 encoded).

Is this an encoding error? Why does the salesforce csvreader class think that there is an unescaped quote???
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Shane,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

The double quotes in some column exist without escape character and qualifier.  I was able to reproduce the issue and you can see that in below screenshot.  I have value column Otherstreet as K"en Street. This is when I get the same error. 

When the value is added with escape character and with a qualifier, the file works fine. The value that worked is "K""en Street"

I have also added a screenshot of data loader success result which shows how the value was inserted into Salesforce record.

You can open your CSV file in excel and save it which should take care of adding a qualifier and escape character.

User-added image

Hope this helps.

Kindly mark this as solved if it;s resolved.

please actually read my post
Developer User 52Developer User 52
Still face the same issue !
Marcus GranathMarcus Granath
Got the same error and I solved it by changing the settings inside of Data Loader.
I also used a CSV UTF-8 encoded file so felt like we had the same problem.

The settings I used which made the insert operation in dataloader work for me is below (you should probably use settings that fits how you've separated the columns in your CSV file meaning my settings below might not apply on your CSV file): 
User-added image

when it didnt work I had read all CSVs/Write all CSVs unchhecked and "Allow Tab as a CSV delimiter" checked.
Try to see what dataloader settings you have. Hope this helps =)

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