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Rodrigo Sawaya 8Rodrigo Sawaya 8 

Lead integration - Json Deserialization failed on token 'null


We are running into some issues with a Lead integration via REST API.
The client is connecting via Forcedotcom .NET SDK and when trying to update a record,
it's receiveing the following message:

"Json Deserialization failed on token 'null' and has left off in the middle of parsing a row. Will go to end of row to begin parsing the next row"

We're not beeing able to collect any log inside Salesforce, so I think the API is blocking
the entire request since it appears to be mal formed. Anyone had a similiar issue?
gracias Sr.
Eric AnEric An
Hi Rodrigo,

Could you check the data that you sent or received? The key of JSON must be not null in Salesforce. I guess it's a data not match issue.