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Jos van der HaveJos van der Have 

Trailhead Einstein intent API basic

Hi All,

Trying to create a dataset as described but keep getting an error :(
When I use cURL it keeps comming back with invalid scheme

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----MIIEowIBAAKCAQEA...U+Li+uIvLNJoZkJhlwCLqAACXo4t/TNzwDeGsoSUmOgDjDQKBgC2+mYqJJg9tQ7cjMCQliPy7XMTDiTYN3BNEGX6C3LGLWois8Sf+IUdrB6FOE5e+Gkg9ZyvlskihVGW/Phsk4lTTuHX0xfnmqABZ60QMIkqqszvTuS7HND+0rOBbgxJc9WrHO2qHTI92GRSAH1ciQNhrzxDBOYji0CPclqm4CETi-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "type=text-intent" -F "path="

{"message":"Invalid authentication scheme"}

Also when using Postman, the same error occurs...

User-added image

Anyone an idea what I do wrong??

Agnès Le RouxAgnès Le Roux
Hi Jos!

The token is not the rsa private key. To get your token, you should go to
There, you get the token to put in your command line.

Tell me if it works.