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Manuela Lorenzi-Kayser 5Manuela Lorenzi-Kayser 5 

community login with PHP


I have written an Apex web service that allows me to create a community user with PHP and cURL. Once the user is created, how do I log it into the community with PHP,? In other words, how can I send the user directly to the portal and provide the login credentials so that the user does not have to enter them, bypassing the login page?

Thanks in advance!

Marcelo CostaMarcelo Costa
You can try to redirect injecting the values on the URL.
I would NOT SUGGEST the approach as the username and password would be visible in the URL during the login as plain text and could be catched by any network sniffer.

Manuela Lorenzi-Kayser 5Manuela Lorenzi-Kayser 5
Hi Marcelo.

Thanks for your answer. I just tried that but it did not work for me: the login page displayed as it normally does and my login credentials in the url had not effect.