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Kevin Stinson 5Kevin Stinson 5 

Which components should be included in the project manifest?

My company is new to Salesforce (we are primarily a C# development shop) and we are trying to wrap our heads around how best to approach the development process. As a first step, we would like to have everything locked down under source control. In order to accomplish this we intend to:
  1. Use the 'Choose Metadata Components' menu from the IDE in order to generate a package manifest (i.e., package.xml)
  2. Download all metadata for our org using the
  3. Convert the metadata to a SFDX project and push to a GitHub repository.
In my first attempt at this process I had to manually comment out several dozen lines in the package manifest in order to get around errors that came up when I tried to push this code to one of my sandboxes (using the SFDX CLI). 

In order to avoid these sort of errors on deployment, as well as a matter of principle and best practices, which metadata components should be included in the project manifest? My instinct is to include everything, but I am new to the Salesforce eco-system and am still working out how things ought to be done around here.

Any advice would be really appreciated!
