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ravi kiran 87ravi kiran 87 

can we bind a list value to a vf page, i'm trying to display the account and contact records on two different column without the relationship

public class YourController {

    public String GetAttributes { get; set; }
    public List<Vehicle> vehicles { get; set; }

    public YourController() {

        vehicles = new List<Vehicle>();

        List<account> cars = [SELECT Id, Name, Description FROM account];
        List<contact> planes = [SELECT Id, name , Title FROM contact];

        for(account car : cars) {
        system.debug('car value in the loop ---> ';
            vehicles.add(new Vehicle(car));

        for(contact plane : planes) {
        system.debug('Plane value in the loop ---> '+plane.title);
            vehicles.add(new Vehicle(plane));
      public List<contact> GetAttributes(){
    List<contact> attr = [SELECT Name from contact limit 10];
    return attr;

    public class Vehicle {
        public Id id { get; set; }
        public string name { get; set; }
        public string name1{ get; set; }

        public Vehicle(account car) {
     // = car.Id;
           // this.desc = car.desc;

        public Vehicle(contact plane) {
       // = plane.Id;
            this.name1 = plane.title;
            //this.desc = plane.desc;


Vf Page 

<apex:page controller="YourController" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock ><apex:pageBlockTable value="{!vehicles}" var="vehicle">
   <!--- <apex:column headerValue="Id" value="{!}" />  --->
    <apex:column headerValue="FirstName" value="{!}" />
    <apex:column headerValue="Name" value="{!vehicle.name1}" />
    <apex:pageBlockSection title="Vitality Check Attributes">
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:repeat value="{!Attributes}" var="att">