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Steve BerleySteve Berley 

pass class method name as parameter to another method?

Hi - 

I've got a circumstance where I need to pass the name of a class method to another method which would execute then passed method.

the class I'd want to call:
public class1 {
    public static void methodA() {

The class I'd pass the method name to...
public class2 {
   public static void methodRunner(string methodName) {
      run( class1.methodName() );  // call that would execute the method (TBD)

so the call would be - 
class2.methodRunner( class1.methodA );

In case you're wondering why go to all this work? 
I'd like to create a generic way to run class methods as batch processes from the console in prod to efficiently retrofit existing data - without littering the prod org with lots of one-time use code.

Looking forward to everyone's collective insights...


Best Answer chosen by Steve Berley
Alain CabonAlain Cabon

Apex is not a functional language at all. You have to deal with the classic OO design patterns like the Strategy pattern - defining a family of algorithms, enscapsulating each one and making them interchangeable and selectable at runtime.  ( )

The best pattern for your need is the Command pattern (not explained in the link above).

That is not your real need . 

Javascript is almost a functional language and it is used for the controllers in Lightning.

Download the sample code and metadata of: Advanced Apex:

There is a "trick" using the reflection in Apex, brought to you by JSON (Dynamic Class Instantiation with JSON).

There is no reflection api in Apex natively.

There is just the system Type:


All Answers

Alain CabonAlain Cabon

Apex is not a functional language at all. You have to deal with the classic OO design patterns like the Strategy pattern - defining a family of algorithms, enscapsulating each one and making them interchangeable and selectable at runtime.  ( )

The best pattern for your need is the Command pattern (not explained in the link above).

That is not your real need . 

Javascript is almost a functional language and it is used for the controllers in Lightning.

Download the sample code and metadata of: Advanced Apex:

There is a "trick" using the reflection in Apex, brought to you by JSON (Dynamic Class Instantiation with JSON).

There is no reflection api in Apex natively.

There is just the system Type:

This was selected as the best answer
Steve BerleySteve Berley
Thank you @Alain!  I have to say this is the best response EVER to a posting.

Yes, the Advanced Apex book is fantastic and I love the Design Patterns paper as well.
