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Daniel WymerDaniel Wymer 

Can't login to Trailhead

I have a salesforce account - - and get into endless loop and cannot reach Trailhead.  It seems like I have a Salesforce account, have established a password, but cannot login to Trailhead.
Hi Daniel - when you go to (not Trailhead), are you able to login there with your username and password?
Daniel WymerDaniel Wymer
Mind posting a quick screncast or screenshots of what you see when you try and login to Trailhead with that account?
Daniel WymerDaniel Wymer
it's the "Howdy we haven't seen you before" screen and it includes my username.  here is the text:

Would you like to create a brand new Trailhead account and start earning points and badges using the ID below?
If you already have an existing Trailhead account, try another login.
Please select 'Yes' on that page. You'll be redirected to the login page at that point. Login again using the same credentials and you'll be logged into Trailhead. I apologize for the sub-optimal UX of having to login twice with the same credentials. Its complicated as to why we make you do that, but the good news is that we're working on updating that flow so that you don't make you login in again when you say Yes on the 'create a new account' page. For now, please login the second time and you should be good to go.
Prasad N RPrasad N R
I am finding these sorts of issues. I have been unable to login into trailheads while I am able to login into the org.
User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
Shravan SPShravan SP
Hey.. since today morning i'm also getting these three errors just like in your screenshots! I can login into salesforce but when i try trailhead, I'm stuck with these errers
Amit BediAmit Bedi
Yes even I am facing issue to login trail head
Vineel Babu 4Vineel Babu 4
I'm too facing the same situation
Shravan SPShravan SP
guess it's a widespread issue now.. the site is down now after logging in saying it's on maintenance.. maybe they're rectifying it
I am too facing the same sitution,I don't find how solve this problem.
Had a same problem, gave sometime to trailhead to wake up. It's working now :-)
Priyank DimriPriyank Dimri
You could always try creating a 'Trailhead Playground' which would sync with your Dev org to show the trails you completed and badges you earned :)
Anup Kachhap 8Anup Kachhap 8
Hi Team,
I am facing some issue with Trailheads while login into it.These are the screenshots of Errors
David QuillmanDavid Quillman
I can't login to trail head today....keep getting "unable to send email" error
Marvin PhattanachitchonMarvin Phattanachitchon
Has anyone experience this before? I couldn't login to trailhead since yesterday.User-added image
vishnu sundarvishnu sundar
Same Issue here

User-added image

Marvin PhattanachitchonMarvin Phattanachitchon
Seem like there is an issue in connecting few trailhead accounts. I found out from someone else that log in with google account and linkedin work fine.
vishnu sundarvishnu sundar
Remaining log in options are working but Salesforce login not working . 
Gina Corona 9Gina Corona 9
Having the same issue. Can't login to Trailhead with SF login although I can login fine to SF. I also get the "Hmm, that didn't work" screen.
Gina Corona 9Gina Corona 9
When you get to the login screen, instead of choosing from SF, Gmail or LinkedIn, click on the "Can't login" link at the bottom of that pop-up. It will ask for your email address and send you a one-time password. That got me in. Walked me through updating my profile. 
The FiatluxThe Fiatlux
Check out this for login guide :- Mywmtotalrewards  (
Michelle Pass 1Michelle Pass 1
I have users with the same problem that can't login. They can access Salesforce without a problem but logging into trailhead, they just keep getting thrown back to the "Howdy Trailblazer, lets get you logged in"  Even having them use the Can't login and verification doesn't find them. 
Ericka PerezEricka Perez

I'm having issues loggin in to trailhead...

My error message looks different...

forbidden message

Megan MayesMegan Mayes
Yep, this is still a problem. Have tried 10 times now to log in and keep going on the same loop.
Jayaprakash AdusumalliJayaprakash Adusumalli
Am facing login issue to trailhead, When i Click login, it take me to, After entering creadentials it take me to Trailhead Dev Org which is linkned to this id, I click ? icon and click go to trailhead, it takes me to trailhead without logging in, And I click Login, this loops repeats. facing this issue for past 2days. 
It's a good thing these forums are moving to Trailblazer, which we can't log in to.