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Error System.DmlException:field filter validation exception

I am a new Admin on Salesforce and I am not a developer. 
When I try to convert my leads, I receive the following error, can someone help me on this?

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Hi there, This is validation rule exception, There seems to be a filter on the lookup field, please check the that filter and add the right Accout that satisfy that filter defined on the lookup field

If need to check the filter, please go to setup and respective object and respective field and you will find the lookup filter at the field detail page.

Thank you
Thanks a lot Prady01.

I see the filter but I don't understand what it does as I am very new with Salesforce. Could pease calrify the situation for me ?

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I also see that there is no validation rule. 

Hi There, yes thats all it is, The lookup filter. The only reason you are getting the error is becasue the record selected in the lookup field do not satisfy the filter criteria that's defined in the lookup filter.

Thank you