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Anna Rudenko 9Anna Rudenko 9 

Flow - redirect finish button to recently created record in Edit Mode


my flow (launched from a Button) creates a Case Record from Opportunity and after a Custom Object connected to the case.
I managed in the last Screen element to redirect users in the Edit mode of created in the previous step record:
User-added image
However when the user is Saving the record (or pressing Cancel), SF redirects him to SF Home page screen and not to the created record. I am not sure why the button behavior is changed as the further edit and save of the record is done outside of the Flow..

Please could anyone suggest how can I redirect to the created record itself once the user presses Save?

Another possible solution would be to set RetUrl of the button, so that when the user is pressing "Finish" in the Flow, he will be redirected to the edit mode of custom created record.
Here what I have in the button, but still being redirected to Home Page:

Maybe because when starting the Flow, the value of varSEQualificationFormId does not exist?..

Thanks for any input!
Currently, flows don't support redirection on click of Finish. I have not tested these but you can try these options:
1. Create a link to the newly created record on the last screen and force user to click on it instead of Finish button. You can hide the Finish button.
2. Set the newly created record id to a variable and use the same variable in retURL in your button.
Anna Rudenko 9Anna Rudenko 9
Yep, managed to do it with setting URl on the last screen forwarding user to the Edit Mode of previously created by Flow record"{!varSEQualificationFormId}/e?retURL=%2F{!varSEQualificationFormId}

Bailey RuddBailey Rudd
Thank you for sharing the final URL, I was missing the '2F' following the retURL and I could not figure out what I was missing until I saw this!