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srikanth j 24srikanth j 24 

Apex Collections

Hi guys
for example in field dependencies if i take Country as a controlling field  and Dependent field as a State .If i select india it will display associated states.
This scenario how can i implement using collections can anyone help me out or  if possible send me code.
Adv Thanks
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Please check below post for same
public class sample
    public String state {get;set;}
    public String city {get;set;}

    public List<SelectOption> getStates()
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        options.add(new SelectOption('None','--- None ---'));        
        options.add(new SelectOption('TN','Tamil Nadu'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('KL','Kerala'));
        return options;
    public List<SelectOption> getCities()
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        if(state == 'TN')
            options.add(new SelectOption('CHE','Chennai'));
            options.add(new SelectOption('CBE','Coimbatore'));
        else if(state == 'KL')
            options.add(new SelectOption('COA','Coachin'));
            options.add(new SelectOption('MVL','Mavelikara'));
            options.add(new SelectOption('None','--- None ---'));
        return options;

Let us know if this will help you