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Juan Miguel FranciaJuan Miguel Francia 

IsInsert and IsUpdate Trigger Question

Juan Miguel FranciaJuan Miguel Francia

I need to create a trigger validation where in I am comparing object 1 to the record of obj 2. What I need to do is to be able to return the functional currency available based on what I selected in object 1. This is the code I created so far. 


public static void GEandMCevaluation(List<Matter__c> MatterList)
        Set<String> countryMatter = new Set<String>();
        Set<String> GoogleEntity = new Set<String>();	
        //capture Current google entity and current matter country
        for(Matter__c mat : MatterList ){
        //query the captured google_entity__c and current_matter_country__c
        List<Matter_Entity_Currency_Schedule__c> listofentitiycountrycurrencies = 
            [Select Functional_Currency__c FROM Matter_Entity_Currency_Schedule__c where Google_Entity__c IN : GoogleEntity
            AND Country__c IN: countryMatter ];
        String[] functionalCurrencies;
            for(Matter_Entity_Currency_Schedule__c mescs : listofentitiycountrycurrencies){
                functionalCurrencies = mescs.functional_currency__c.split(';');
        String displayEligibleCurrencies = '';
        for(String s :functionalCurrencies){
            // concatenate each eligible currency to the string buffer
            displayEligibleCurrencies += s;
Harish RamachandruniHarish Ramachandruni

Read this document
trigger.isInsert is true when a new record is created and inserted.

trigger.isUpdate is true when an existing record is modified.


trigger memberInviteNotify on Member__c (after insert,after update)

        // When a new record is created and inserted, the flow will come here

        // When an existing record is modified, the flow will come here


Any issue ask me at

Juan Miguel FranciaJuan Miguel Francia
The code I written is a trigger handler. I forget to include it in my question. Thanks for the reply.