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Steve Cairney 6Steve Cairney 6 

WFR for when lead is created and ownership changes

Hi, I'm using a third party app to assigned lead owners based on a round robin. I works fine but is lacking email notifcation when the queue changes the ownership to the user.

I'm trying to get a WFR that will action this but becuase ownership is changing immediately, I'm struggling. I've tried various WFR including

Owner:User.Profile.Name = "Sales User"

but none of these have an effect.

You can see the lead history on create here, is there anything I can do that doesn't include a timebased workflow?

User-added image
Prathibha SPrathibha S

Did you thry this one?

WF Criteria : Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
Formula : 
OR( ISNEW(), AND( ISCHANGED( OwnerId ), PRIORVALUE(OwnerId) <> OwnerId ))