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ABell 14ABell 14 

Formula Value based on record type

Hi all,
I want to create a formula field that based on the record type inserts a text value.
so if my record type equals 1 or 2 I want the text to display as A, if my record type is 3 or 4 I want the text to display as B, if my record type is 5 or 6 I want the text to display C, if my record type is 7 I want my text to display D, if my record type is 8 I want the text to display E

Thanks in advance!
Best Answer chosen by ABell 14
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
I think there may be a syntax error.

Try this:
"1", "A", 
"2", "A", 
"3", "B", 
"4", "B", 
"5", "C", 
"6", "C", 
"7", "D", 
"8", "E"
If it still doesn't work, can you please describe in detail the results?


All Answers

Nayana KNayana K
"1", "A", 
"2", "A", 
"3", "B", 
"4", "B", 
"5", "C", 
"6", "C", 
"7", "D", 
"8", "E"

ABell 14ABell 14
Thanks Nayana. Unfortunately this didn't work for me. Is there another way that might work for this formula field? Thanks!
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
I think there may be a syntax error.

Try this:
"1", "A", 
"2", "A", 
"3", "B", 
"4", "B", 
"5", "C", 
"6", "C", 
"7", "D", 
"8", "E"
If it still doesn't work, can you please describe in detail the results?

This was selected as the best answer
ABell 14ABell 14
Thanks Parker! This worked perfectly.