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Jim Riggio 1Jim Riggio 1 

ERROR ON JAVASCRIPT BUTTON -{faultcode:'soapenv:Cleint', faultspring""50,581' si not valid for the type xsd:double',}

I havea javascript button on Custom Object A that is creating a record on the Case object.  I recently added the two lines in BOLD and am gettnig the faultcode error.  Both field on both objects are number 18,0.  I am not sure how to fix it.. I don't think it likes the  commas.

Any help?


var objCase = new sforce.SObject("Case"); 
objCase.RecordTypeId = '012E0000000Ra9u'; //Unlink Record Type 
objCase.AccountId = '{!Channel__c.AccountId__c}'; 
objCase.OwnerId = '005E0000007cWOV'; // Rance UseID 
objCase.Partner_Manager__c = '{!Account.OwnerId}';// Change for MD to Account.OwnerID 
objCase.Display_Name__c = '{!Channel__c.Name}'; 
objCase.ChannelIDFromChannel__c = '{!Channel__c.X18char_Channel_ID__c}'; 
objCase.Channel_Subscribers__c = '{!Channel__c.Channel_Subscribers__c}'; 
objCase.Monthly_Streams__c = '{!Channel__c.Monthly_Streams__c}'; 

objCase.YouTube_ID__c = '{!Channel__c.YouTube_ID__c}'; 
objCase.Subject = 'YouTube Channel UNLINK'; 
objCase.CMS__c = '{!Channel__c.Channel_CMS__c}'; 

var result = sforce.connection.create([objCase]); 

window.location = "/" + result[0].id + "/e?retURL=" + result[0].id + "&cancelURL=" + result[0].id; 
alert('Could not create record '+result); 
Best Answer chosen by Jim Riggio 1
Jim Riggio 1Jim Riggio 1
Finally found a solution (should have looked more on Google)  I needed to add the TEXT function i'{!TEXT(Channel__c.Channel_Subscribers__c)}';  This seemed to work