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mallikharjunarao gundamallikharjunarao gunda 

custom button error Enter a URL that is valid and well-formed

Error: Enter a URL that is valid and well-formed
please helpme
see this code
URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.New,null,[clone=1,id=Opportunity.Id,retURL="/"&Opportunity.Id,00N2800000FJLEz= Opportunity.Name ],true), 

NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi mallikharjunarao gunda,

Here are few threads from the developer's community with similar issue which might help you. Mark,this as solved if this helps.

Best Regards,
Maro SevastopoulosMaro Sevastopoulos
similar issue.

I have looked at all of the above threads, plus many others, and the responses are all out-dated for URLs/IF statements using Lightning (java workarounds don't work in lightning, there's one that links to an article/post that is 404'd, etc). 

I am trying to make the following work for a Custom Button to open custom pre-filled links in FormAssembly:

IF({!User.Id}= {!Contact.OwnerId},{!Contact.Id}&tfa_126={!Account.Id}&tfa_128={!User.Id}&tfa_148=tfa_152,{!Contact.Id}&tfa_126={!Account.Id}&tfa_128={!User.Id}&tfa_148=tfa_153)

each URL works fine on its own (we've been using "{!Contact.Id}&tfa_126={!Account.Id}&tfa_128={!User.Id}" on its own for a while with no problem), but will not save when attempting the IF statement. I get the same "Error: Enter a URL that is valid and well-formed" error. 

any useful suggestions are appreciated!
romi guptaromi gupta
{!User.Id}= {!Contact.OwnerId},{!Contact.Id}&tfa_126={!Account.Id}&tfa_128={!User.Id}&tfa_148=tfa_152,{!Contact.Id}&tfa_126={!Account.Id}&tfa_128={!User.Id}&tfa_148=tfa_153)
Hi Maro, did you ever find a solution? I am faced with the same situation. Thanks!
Maro SevastopoulosMaro Sevastopoulos
i have no idea -- i don't remember what we ended up doing. i don't recall ever seeing Romi's response