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How do I query New Value field on custom object history in SOQL?

I'm trying to query the date from the history object where the last status (field) is 'Request Approved' I tried the following query but unable to query on NewValue field on the history object.
error: NewValue' can not be filtered in query call".
SELECT CreatedById,CreatedDate,Field,Id,IsDeleted, NewValue,OldValue,ParentId FROM custobj__History WHERE ParentId = 'a1228000000fagQ' AND Field = 'Status__c' AND NewValue='Request Approved'

Can Someone Help Me on this? Any other WorkAround?
Best Answer chosen by lalitha_sfdc
Apoorv Saxena 4Apoorv Saxena 4
Hi Lalitha,

Here's the workaround , please try this code:
List<custobj__History> historyList =[SELECT CreatedById,CreatedDate,Field,Id,IsDeleted, NewValue,OldValue,ParentId FROM custobj__History WHERE ParentId = 'a1228000000fagQ' AND Field = 'Status__c'];
List<custobj__History> newhistoryList = new List<custobj__History>();
for(custobj__History h:historyList){
    if(h.newvalue=='Request Approved'){
system.debug('FilteredList: '+newhistoryList);

Please mark this question as solved if this helps you.


All Answers

Apoorv Saxena 4Apoorv Saxena 4
Hi Lalitha,

Here's the workaround , please try this code:
List<custobj__History> historyList =[SELECT CreatedById,CreatedDate,Field,Id,IsDeleted, NewValue,OldValue,ParentId FROM custobj__History WHERE ParentId = 'a1228000000fagQ' AND Field = 'Status__c'];
List<custobj__History> newhistoryList = new List<custobj__History>();
for(custobj__History h:historyList){
    if(h.newvalue=='Request Approved'){
system.debug('FilteredList: '+newhistoryList);

Please mark this question as solved if this helps you.

This was selected as the best answer
Hi apoorv,
This worked well.

For the new value field vote for the below idea

Dnyaneshwar Narwade 6Dnyaneshwar Narwade 6
Try with this ....

SELECT CreatedById,CreatedDate,Field,Id,IsDeleted, NewValue,OldValue,ParentId FROM custobj__History WHERE ParentId =: 'a1228000000fagQ'
Dnyaneshwar Narwade 6Dnyaneshwar Narwade 6
SELECT CreatedById,CreatedDate,Field,Id,IsDeleted, NewValue,OldValue,ParentId FROM custobj__History WHERE ParentId =: 'a1228000000fagQ'

you just need to add colun(:) after equals operator