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Nihar SharmaNihar Sharma 

Not Able to see Contact selection screen while converting Lead

Hi All,

I am not able to see Contact selection screen while converting leads..

This is what i am expecting in Production (i'm able to see in sandbox) 

User-added image
what are the changes i have to make in production ?


Best Answer chosen by Nihar Sharma
Maharajan CMaharajan C
And also check if you have any matching rule or duplicate rule in sandbox on lead object but not in production.

(Sweet Potato Tec)

All Answers

Maharajan CMaharajan C
Hi Nihar,

This is because of you have the Existing contact in sandbox with Same contact record details or Same Contact Name.

So it shows the page like above in the picture in sandbox.

But in Production you don't have the record with same details in Contact object with out the Account.So if you convert it automatically create a new Contact without asking you like in sandbox.

Please refer this link which may helpful to you :

Let me know if you want any further help.

If those points are help means mark these as a best answer.

(Sweet Potato Tec)
Nihar SharmaNihar Sharma
Hi Maharaja,

Thanks for your reply, you are right but in this case there are already same contact available in the single Account..

See below Image 

User-added image

Highlighted Contact was already there and the new one directly created without asking that you have already existing contact available..

Maharajan CMaharajan C
Yes Nihar For that you have to choose the Same account also in lead conversion in which account you have the Existing conact.

If you choose the different Account or without account it will craete the contact directly from the lead conversion.Please read the link which i send to you.

Is that make sense to you or if you need any further help !!!

If those points are help means mark these as a best answer.

(Sweet Potato Tec)

Nihar SharmaNihar Sharma

i've already selected the same account without doing mistake but not getting that screen you know any permission that i need to make it in Production ?

Maharajan CMaharajan C
Can you please check this permission is that enable to you :

-> Go to your Name | Set-up | Customize | Leads | Settings
-> Enable "Require validation for Converted Leads"
-> Click on Save.

Let me know if you want any further help.

If those points are help means mark these as a best answer.

(Sweet Potato Tec)
Maharajan CMaharajan C
And also check if you have any matching rule or duplicate rule in sandbox on lead object but not in production.

(Sweet Potato Tec)
This was selected as the best answer
Nihar SharmaNihar Sharma

Checked each possibilities but still screen is hidden....anyways thanks :)

Nihar SharmaNihar Sharma
Thanks Maharaja, issue is sorted out now..

Reason :
Duplicate Rules in Activated in Production that's why the contact selection screen was not appearing while converting leads..

Maharajan CMaharajan C
Thank You Glad it Worked!!!

(Sweet Potato Tec)