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Prabhat Singh 56Prabhat Singh 56 

How do I get the feed based layout for Chatter in a visualforce page?


How do I get the feed based layout for Chatter in a visualforce page?

I'm working around with Visualforce for the first time, and created the Tabbed Account page they talk about in the manual.

How do I get it to show a chatter tab? like there is when using a feed based layout.

Please suggest me.

Sergio AlcocerSergio Alcocer
<chatter:feed entityId="{!theEntityId}"/>
Something like this?
Prabhat Singh 56Prabhat Singh 56
Yes, I would like to get the feed based layout on my visualforce page.

So on this record, I would like for one of the tabs to be Chatter Feed.
Prabhat Singh 56Prabhat Singh 56

Please suggest me the workaround for that.

Prabhat Singh 56Prabhat Singh 56
Hello Team,

Please suggest me some workaround or solution to solve this.

Prabhat Singh 56Prabhat Singh 56
Hello Team,

Any suggestio or update on this.