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Luke Higgins - RFLuke Higgins - RF 

User is offline in omni-channel. Reassign case to queue

I've been asked set up a rule when a customer replies to emails/cases via email-to-case.  When a customer replies we need to check if the case owner (user) is Offline in Omni-channel.  If offline, then reassign the case to the support queue.   Any thoughts on this? 
James (CloudAnswers)James (CloudAnswers)
This is a great idea.  We've implemented this in process biulders and apex, but would love a more out-of-box way to do it.  Did you go the custom development route or did you find a less technical solution?
Luke Higgins - RFLuke Higgins - RF
I never implemented it.  We have the support managers check the cases owned by people that are out of the office that day periodically. 
Claire Baxter 19Claire Baxter 19
James are you able to share how you did this? Or did you find an out-of-the-box solution? We are wanting to do something similar.
James (CloudAnswers)James (CloudAnswers)

Hi Claire,

It was a paid project, so I can't share my source code exactly, but I'm glad to give some insight about the rough approach.  If you have an apex coder, this should be a 1-day project if you do the following:

1.  Add a trigger on EmailMessage to call apex class CaseAssignmentLogic
2.  Add apex class CaseAssignmentLogic which checks omnichannel status UserServicePresence for the case owner
3.  Add logic to put back into omnichannel by assigning to the omnichannel queue

Super easy!

Let me know if you get stuck on it or want help.


Claire Baxter 19Claire Baxter 19
Thanks for your help James. I'm not actually a developer myself, but have passed your information on to our dev to take a look. The question came up during refinement, so we're not quite up to it yet, but I appreciate the help.