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Worflow debug logs

Hi all,

I have created a workflow thorugh the process builder and even though the criteria is not met and the actions associated with it are not created the debug log has a true value. Shuldn't it show as "WF_CRITERIA_END|false", if the criteria were not met? 

16:27:10.0 (12361757)|WF_RULE_EVAL_BEGIN|Workflow
16:27:10.0 (12390917)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Commissions: Comp-0494 a4CP0000006Kffs]|Commission_Recipients301P0000000DfOe|01QP0000000DiZB|ON_CREATE_ONLY|0
16:27:10.0 (12568338)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:ENCODED:[treatNullAsNull]true|Values:
16:27:10.0 (12572706)|WF_CRITERIA_END|true
UC InnovationUC Innovation
Hi Tsvety,

You're right, the true indicates that the criteria was met. There might be something else going on that's preventing or overwriting the action associated with the workflow.

Here's some documentation on debugging workflows:

Thanks for your reply! 
I am confident that the criteria of the workflow are not met. I checked this by creating two actions - one for success to meet the criteria and one for failure to meet the criteria. The failure action gets executed, but the message in the debug log still says true.