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Suman KuchSuman Kuch 

javascript Remote not calling controller

I'm writing a test for invoking Controller functions from Javascript, I don't see any failures in code but function is not invoking.
Please advice.

<apex:page controller="UploadController" id="page">
<script type="text/javascript">
    function uploadFile(accountName){
            function(result, event){
             },{ escape: true}
    <apex:form id="form_Upload">
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <button onclick="uploadFile('{!$CurrentPage.parameters.recID}')">Upload File</button>

global with sharing class UploadController {
    public UploadController() { } 
    global static void testRemoteCall() {
        system.debug(' Sample Remote call ');

I know its simple but im not able to get debug message.