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Sergey VolinetsSergey Volinets 

I can't add custom apex class to type of aura:attribute.

I can't add custom apex class to type of aura:attribute.

I have no idea what happens.
<aura:component controller="CVP.TestTypes">
    <aura:attribute name="products" type="CVP.TestClass[]"/>


And Apex
public class TestTypes {
    public class TestClass {
        public String name = 'Stan';
    	public Integer age = 12;

Sergey VolinetsSergey Volinets
I have tried this one but I receive the error: TestTypes.TestClass: Types cannot be marked as AuraEnabled

Is it possible with inner classes? Yes, I believe it is, but how?
i write a post on it that how to access apex class property in lightning component
go to below link 
i hope it helps you
let me infome if it helps you :)
Sergey VolinetsSergey Volinets
Thanks, man, but there is no any solution, as I understand lighting component does not support inner class.
yes we can not access direct inner class in lightning component
It is possible to access inner classes via namespacing, see

 <aura:attribute name="attributeName" type="LightningComponentController.InnerClass"/>