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Could not find a Permission Set named 'Trailhead' that has the 'Two-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins' permission enabled.

I have reviewed everyone's posts about this error but I am still having difficulty.

Can anyone help with this error so I can move on?

Best Answer chosen by JoyfulGrace
After deleting and recreating the permission set several times, it finally worked. I have no
reasoning for it but I am happy now.


All Answers

After deleting and recreating the permission set several times, it finally worked. I have no
reasoning for it but I am happy now.

This was selected as the best answer
Kay StortoKay Storto
I tried to recreate the permission set several times, also trying out several different licenses types but still fail to complete the trail. Does anyone have an additional hint?
Christopher  LeClaireChristopher LeClaire
I had to use an actual dev org and not a trailhead playground before the challenge would validate.
Shikha ChaurasiaShikha Chaurasia
hi everyone,
For completing this challenge put permission set name Trailhead instead of Two-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins.
Cristina RodriguezCristina Rodriguez
Hi All- I was having a similar issue. My issue had to-do with my hands-on org. The playground didn't work for me. I set-up a DE org but when I connected it, I logged in with a user within the org and not the system admin profile. I had to go to hand-on org area and disconnect my DE org and connect it again. This time when it asked me to login, I did with the system admin login. I returned back the challenge and checked it. It marked it passed. Good luck everyone!
Sharmin Islam 2Sharmin Islam 2
Hahahaha this crazy!! I enabled the following options :
1. Manage Multi-Factor Authentication in API
2. Manage Multi-Factor Authentication in User Interface
3. Multi-Factor Authentication for API Logins
4. Multi-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins
and Finally, It works !!
Enabling the following worked for me: 
1. Manage Multi-Factor Authentication in API
2. Manage Multi-Factor Authentication in User Interface
3. Multi-Factor Authentication for API Logins
4. Multi-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins
Marina SoaresMarina Soares

In my case I did the following:

  • Logged back to the Playground I had set up the user Sia
  • Changed the Permission Set name to Trailhead
And it worked!
I enabled the following options :
1. Manage Multi-Factor Authentication in API
2. Manage Multi-Factor Authentication in User Interface
3. Multi-Factor Authentication for API Logins
4. Multi-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins
and Finally, It works !!
Basetti ForceBasetti Force
I think its not about dev org or deleting and creating the permission set. The mistake I did was that I selected "Manage Multi-Factor Authentication in User Interface" instead of "Multi-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins". As the settings are very similar and the wrong one comes up first in the list. It worked for me.