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James BillingsJames Billings 

Get class name of queueable implementation

I'm writing some tests for a class which can trigger a couple of different queueables. 

In the tests, we have a mock implementaion of ISystemOperation which increments a number when a call to enqueue is made... 

I now want to only increment the counter when the expected queueable class is used, but I cannot find out a way of getting this... Example (pseudo)code, the line marked with **** is the one I'm wondering how to implement:

private class CapturingSystemOperation implements ISystemOperation
        public Integer CallCount = 0;
        public String expectedClassName;

        public String enqueueJob(Queueable queueableClass)
********if (queueableClass.class.Name == expectedClassName)

            return Utils.getFakeId(AsyncApexJob.SObjectType);

Any ideas?  

Best Answer chosen by James Billings
James BillingsJames Billings
Well, to answer my own question, this was actually easy to do:
String className = String.valueOf(queueableClass).substringBefore(':');
if (className == expectedClassName)

The string represention includes jsonified data passed to the class too, so grabbing everything before the first ":" gives just the class name