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Anjana Sharma 9Anjana Sharma 9 

Dynamicaly insert parent record and then insert child records in that parent record

Hello everone ,
I dont understand that how can i get the object dynamically from object like , i have two arguments:-
1.Map<String,List<String>>: Key:Parent Object , Val: List of Child Object
 2.Map<String, Map<String, String>>: Key: Object , Value = Key: Field, Value: Field Value

For example:
In argument i passsed
Account => new List<String>{Contact}
And in argument 2 i passed
Account => new Map<String, String>{Name => Test, website =} Contact => new Map<String, String>{FirstName => Test, FirstName = Last name Test}

i want to insert account then insert all child objct records in that parent account
PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Anjana,

Please refer this example and modify yours accordingly :-


Priya Ranjan

Anjana Sharma 9Anjana Sharma 9
Thanku for giving response but as i say i have to pass ovject and its record and values from the argument . Can you please help me with this