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LWC1001: Unexpected compilation error: Cannot read property 'declarations' of null

I have an AppExchange package I've built that I'm trying to install into an org. I have been able to successfully install this package in multiple orgs, but for one particular org, I get this error message:
LWC1001: Unexpected compilation error: /home/sfdc/tools/lwc/2.2.9-234.3/compList.js: Cannot read property 'declarations' of null, Details: markup://fileforcem1:compList.js: LWC1001: Unexpected compilation error: /home/sfdc/tools/lwc/2.2.9-234.3/compList.js: Cannot read property 'declarations' of null
I can't seem to find any documentation regarding this. Any help would be much appreciated!

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
Have you ensured you are using the correct imports?

