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Anitha BairapuAnitha Bairapu 

Failed to save TestComponentWithHTML.cmp: The attribute "lable" was not found on the COMPONENT markup://lightning:button: Source

Hi All, I am getting the above error when i included lightning component and saved in my developer console.
Hi Anitha,

The lightning:button has an attribute "label". Could you please check if you have the correct spelling?
Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47

Hi Anitha,

It is most probably the spelling mistake of the label attribute. Please check the line number of error and match it from below line : 

<lightning:button variant="base" label="Base" title="Base action" onclick="{! c.handleClick }"/>

Please mark it as the best answer if it resolves your issue.


Anitha BairapuAnitha Bairapu
Hi Suraj & Komal,
Thank you very much for your valuable solutions. I am able to include the component now. It is a spelling mistake as you specified. Thank you.