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Kumar ShourabhKumar Shourabh 

How to link Notes section to the actual Salesforce Case object ?

I am a data analyst and trying to link the salesforce CaseID to the 'Notes' section. So far, I have tried to use the "parentid" column from the sf_note table and join with the case data but, it is returning 0 rows. I am tried the 'ContentNote' table but, the "id" column is not the common key as well.

Can someone please help me on "How to join" "Notes" section to the case section? I need to share this data with the text analytics team but there is no way I am able to join them. 
Drisya D 13Drisya D 13

Try to use ContentDocument and ContentDocumentLink objects.

Below link can be reffered to get an idea on these objects.