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Pedro Garcia 26Pedro Garcia 26 

Edit record page from LWC

I have a custom object related to Case (lookup field)... I've created an LWC to edit some fields from my custom object on the Case record page.
Once the LWC is submitted I need to make the Case record page in Edit state and repopulate some field values.
Is it possible to do?
Abdul KhatriAbdul Khatri
Hi Pedro,

If I understood correctly, when you make updates on the custom object, you need to update the related CASE Object with some of the information from the custom object.

You can simply achieve this either using the trigger flow ro apex trigger.
Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47
Hi Pedro Garcia 26,
Yes, It is possible. Please go through the below link for your reference-

Please mark it as the best answer, if it helps.