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Jaymin Sutarwala 25Jaymin Sutarwala 25 

LWC - fields not displaying on lightning record edit form

I am trying to create a form using LWC to create a new record. I added few lightning-input-fields in the lightning-record-edit-form component. Out of 7 fields I added, the form is displaying only first 3 fields and the next button while the remaining fields are not getting displayed. I checked the FLS of the fields on the custom object. All the fields have edit access. Can anyone let me know what am I missing here?
<lightning-record-edit-form object-api-name="Event__c" density="comfy">
          <lightning-messages> </lightning-messages>
          <div class="stepOne">
              <lightning-input-field field-name="DateReported__c" required="true" class="dateAEReported"></lightning-input-field>
              <lightning-input-field field-name="ReportingMethod__c" onchange={checkSelVal} class="reportingMethod"></lightning-input-field>
              <lightning-input-field field-name="ReportingMethodOther__c" required={makeRequired} class="otherReportingMethod"></lightning-input-field>
              <lightning-input-field field-name="Called_with_intent_to_report__c"></lightning-input-field>
              <lightning-input-field field-name="Reporter_requested_information__c"></lightning-input-field>
              <lightning-input-field field-name="Study_ID__c"></lightning-input-field>
              <lightning-input-field field-name="Partner_reference_number__c"></lightning-input-field>
                  class="slds-m-top_small slds-float_right"
          <div class="stepTwo slds-hide">
              <lightning-input-field field-name="LastName"></lightning-input-field>
ankit bansalankit bansal
Is it possible the other fields are lookups to objects to which you dont have access to or they are picklist which are not included in the defautl record type for the logged in user's profile.
Jaymin Sutarwala 25Jaymin Sutarwala 25
Hi Ankit,
There are no record types created in this custom object.  The fields not displayed on the form are checkbox or text field. 
ankit bansalankit bansal
Please add the fields on page layout and then try, see if it helps.
Jaymin Sutarwala 25Jaymin Sutarwala 25
When I debug the code in the console I see "No input rendered: Field not found in reponse" for all the fields (not displayed) in the HTML. Any idea what's the reason?

User-added image
ankit bansalankit bansal
Salesforce calculates whether the user has access to the field or not before displaying it, so I suggest you review the secutiry poliy carefully and make sure the user has access to the fields. Check object, field level security in addition also check if the field is added to the page layout which is assigned to the defautl record type.
api field names are case sensitive please check the spelling, uppercase and lowercase.
Cody HouzengaCody Houzenga
Were you able to find the root cause here? I am suddenly experiencing this within one of our lightning-record-edit-form components and am at a loss. The input-fields were visible last week and there have been no changes to field names or FLS since.
Muriel MayertMuriel Mayert
Have you identified the underlying source of this issue? It just started happening to me in one of our lightning-record-edit-form components, and I have no idea how to fix it. We last saw the input fields a week ago, and neither the field names nor the FLS have changed.
Mainsa LindaMainsa Linda
The information shared is very interesting, and I often go to their site to get more useful information and then play run 3 ( for fun. This is a very interesting way to end.