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nagendra babu 113nagendra babu 113 

need help to create

reate a search button having three boxes i.e. first name last name, and email. Now on click of the search button corresponding contacts will be displayed.

On the search result, each row should have a link to the contact that means when someone clicks on firstname, it should take in detail of that record. Also when you click on search, you should see a wait message till the time search is happening and on click of search, the complete page should not refresh. This means a flicker of the page should not happen.
Nagarjuna ParalaNagarjuna Parala
Hi @nagendra babu 113,

Thank you for reaching out in community. I would like to recommend to develop a component in LWC to achieve this requirement. Please do let me know if you need any further assistance on this. 

Thank you