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Google SSO - User Provisioning

I am trying to figure out, how to go about Google SSO and User Provisioning. 
I have already set up Google SSO. 
A google account is created when a person joins the company. Then person then be able to log in to SF using Google SSO. 
I can also go ahead and modify the auto generated registration hander methods to create a user account in the SF org.
Ideally what I want to do is, when a user is being created, I should be able to set different profile for different users. Maybe an admin approves a user then can decide which profile needs to be set for that user or something.
Also when the google account is deleted, the SF user account should also be de-activated. (when the person leaves the company).
How can I achieve this?
I tried to contact SF support on this to learn about the best aproach. But they kinda said you are on your own with this one.